Transport safety in the United States covers transportation safety in the United States, including car accidents, airplane accidents, rail collisions and other mass transit incidents, although most casualties are caused by road accidents.
The US National Center for Health Statistics reports 33,736 motor vehicle traffic deaths by 2014. This surpasses the number of firearms deaths, of which 33,599 in 2014. According to other US government offices, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motor vehicle crashes on the US highway claimed 32,744 in 2014 and 35,092 in 2015. (The National Center for Health Statistics may have different criteria for inclusion or a slightly different methodology than the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.) Highway Traffic Safety Administration Report National comparing 2015 to 2014 says that casualties increase from 2014 to 2015 in almost all categories: passenger passenger vehicles, large truck passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, men and women, driving day and night, and driving with disruptions alcohol. The death of truck drivers remains unchanged. NHTSA regression analysis of monthly road mortality and possible explanatory variables during the 2011-2015 five-year period showed the strongest correlation was with vehicle mile traveled (VMT), which had a correlation of 0.80, followed by monthly average temperatures, which had a correlation 0.74, which means that higher temperatures are associated with increased mortality. Part of the reason for the pattern is probably more people out walking and cycling in the warmer months, and pedestrians and cyclists are often the victims of collision with motor vehicles. The report also shows that there may be more holiday trips during the warmer months. The report does not say whether the analysis is based on the annual travel mile traveled or the vehicle's monthly mile. Although not mentioned, the use of motorcycles, and therefore the death of motorcyclists, can also increase in the warmer months.
The National Safety Council (NSC), a nonprofit safety advocacy group, estimates the death of US motor vehicles by 2016 to 40,200, up 14% from the 2014 estimate. NSC calculates traffic and non-traffic deaths within one year of accidents, while US government agencies calculate only traffic fatalities that occur within 30 days after an accident. The NSC statistics show that the increase in 2016 is only caused by the increase in miles caused by population growth, low fuel prices, and a stronger economy. The NSC said the increase in mortality is not explained by the increase in vehicle distance can be attributed to a sense of complacency against driving disruption and increasing rider trouble.
Motor vehicle deaths are most often expressed as rates, often deaths per 100 million vehicle miles or per billion vehicle miles, or, for international comparisons, as deaths per billion kilometers of vehicles.
Video Transportation safety in the United States
In the United States, most casualties are generated by land vehicles.
Overall security has continued to rise in the United States for decades. Between 1920 and 2000, the rate of fatal car accidents per mile vehicle decreased by a factor of about 17. Except for pauses during the 1960s youth bulge (a time when many inexperienced young drivers were on the road), progress in reducing fatal accidents has stable. Safety for other types of US passenger transport has also increased substantially, but long-term statistical data is not available. While the mortality rate around 2000-2005 was about 1.5 deaths per 100 million miles of travel, it has continued the downward trend and reached 1.27 in 2008. The National Safety Council, using a different methodology than NHTSA, reported rates (including pedestrian deaths foot and cyclists killed in motor vehicle accidents) 1.25 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles (or 12.5 deaths per billion miles of vehicles) traveling in 2016.
Between 2008 and 2011, the economic recession, with reduced mileage, contributed to reducing casualties.
Traffic security by mode by mileage
Maps Transportation safety in the United States
The federal and individual approach
The United States is remarkable in its approach to transport safety.
Although flights are considered at the federal level with the FAA, road safety does not have a strong approach, led by the federal government. Road safety is considered by each US state.
American attitudes about government oversight and privacy, a constitutionally guaranteed right to face a person's accuser in criminal prosecution, and skepticism over government power may also have a role in concern about transportation safety in the United States.
The four basic features identified by Tocqueville in the 1830s had an influence on transportation safety in the United States:
- Individualism (personal and personal initiative);
- Anti-statism (skepticism of government authorities);
- Populism (wisdom and power of ordinary people); and
- Egalitarianism (equality of opportunity).
Automatic camera technology can be used as in other countries to enforce traffic violations, but some argue that it violates the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution, stating that in "all criminal prosecution, defendants will enjoy the right... to be faced with witnesses against he. ".
Some people in the government want to say that safety is the number one priority, but when the federal government provides some guidelines for security measures that will reduce 37% of deaths, such as alcohol in 1998 or motorcycle helmets in 1967, about ten years is required for - the steps are implemented by a number of local governments.
Federal organization
Some federal organizations are dealing with transportation safety in the United States:
- National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
- General road safety and vehicle safety are in particular the responsibility of the DOT National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
- The design standards for safe highways are the responsibility of the Federal Highway Security Office.
- Safety standards for commercial motor operators and motor vehicle operators are the responsibility of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
- Train safety is a province of the Federal Railroad Railway Security Office;
- Aviation security is the responsibility of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA);
- The Federal Transit Administration has assumed responsibility for federal oversight of the security of transit agencies.
- The pipeline security is the responsibility of the Pipeline Security Office in the Channel and Dangerous Goods Safety Administration (PHMSA).
- Safe transport of hazardous materials is the responsibility of the Office of Dangerous Materials in the Safety Administration of Channels and Dangerous Materials.
- Marine safety is the responsibility of the U.S. Coast Guard. within the Department of Homeland Security.
- Offshore pipeline safety is the responsibility of the Department of Home Affairs' Home Security and Enforcement Bureau.
- A major accident was investigated by an independent agency, National Transportation Safety Agency.
- Workplace safety, including the safety of transport workers, is the responsibility of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health of the Department of Labor.
- Hazardous waste is generally subject to regulation by PHMSA as a hazardous substance, but is subject to additional regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency.
- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission sets standards for the design and manufacture of packets containing radioactive material, while PHMSA regulates actual transportation.
Local organization
New York City started a program, Vision Zero, which aims to reduce fatalities by 50% between 2014 and 2025.
United States compared to other countries
The mortality rate in the United States is relatively high compared to most other high-income countries. The road accident rate of 7.1 billion US dollars per 1 billion vehicle-km is about double the 2013 level in Sweden, which is 3.5 road deaths per 1 billion vehicle-km. (See: List of countries by traffic-related deaths.)
This distinction may be related to differences in approaches in encouraging safety culture, for example in a balance between freedom and harmful or forbidden behavior that is prohibited.
To some extent this is due to geography and driver training, but stricter driving enforcement and tougher penalties in Sweden for driving under influence can also explain the difference. While it may be argued that highways and vehicles in Sweden are different from those in the United States, the US mortality rate is also about twice the rate in the Canadian province of Ontario, which experienced 3.6 road deaths per 1 billion vehicle-km according to preliminary data 2014. Ontario , which is a vast province of over 1 million square kilometers, has a mixed type of highway including urban highways and rural highways. Ontario also has a similar mix of large transport trucks essentially identical to US trucks, full-sized pickup trucks, SUVs and passenger cars, although there may be more small cars driven in Ontario than the United States. This indicates that the difference in mortality rate is due to non-physical factors such as driver behavior.
Comparing highways (controlled access, divided roads) in Europe and the United States, according to 2012 data, Denmark has the safest roadway with road deaths of 0.72 per 1 billion vehicle-km, while the United States has 3, 38 street deaths per 1 billion vehicle-km on its Interstate-type highway, often called the highway. In Germany, where significant parts to the Autobahn network do not have mandatory speed limits, the death rate on the highway is 1.74 highway deaths per 1 billion vehicle-km, about half of US tariffs for the Interstate type highway. (For the chart see: Safety: international comparison), when according to the German Road Safety Council (DVR) the number of deaths per kilometer of toll roads is 30% lower when the highway has a speed limit.
Another difference between the US and Europe is that people in Europe believe that higher speed limits have a detrimental effect on safety: according to the Guardian, the ETSC report from 2008 considers that empirical evidence suggests that all instances' of the speed limit introduced on German highways has led to a tremendous reduction of victims. Â ». ETSC takes into account the fact that if German highways have the same casualties per kilometer with improper speed limits, traffic volume in different parts is not the same.
Road security compared to other countries
Safety compared to other countries with mileage
Traffic safety compared to other countries with mileage
Train safety compared to other countries with mileage
Road security
Car accidents are very common in the United States and most of the road accidents are caused by human error.
The target for the United States is to reduce the death rate to 1.02 deaths per 100 million kilometers of vehicles traveled in 2014.
State mortality rate
The death rate per 100 million miles traveled in 2015 ranges from 0.52 in Massachusetts to 1.89 in South Carolina. (The Massachusetts rate translates to about 3.25 fatalities per 1 billion vehicle-km.The South Carolina rate translates to about 11.8 deaths per 1 billion vehicle-km.) In South Carolina, North Dakota and Texas, more than 40% the soul is associated with driving under the influence (DUI). A mile-per-capita vehicle plot vs. casualties per 100,000 population shows Montana, South Carolina and West Virginia as outliers with higher-than-expected casualties. Enforcement and compliance with the law of seat belts vary by country. (Massachusetts, which has the lowest mortality rate per 100 million miles made in 2015, is among the states with the lowest seat belt use.) Some states require motorcycle helmets while others do not. Speed ​​limits, traffic density, topography, climate and many other factors affect different levels of accidents by the state. Speed ​​limits in Texas, Utah, and Rhode Island are prima facie rather than absolute. This allows the riders in these countries to defend themselves against the speeding charge if it can be proved that its speed is reasonable and prudent. In good driving conditions, many drivers in prima facie countries consider (usually correctly) that the police will allow some tolerance in law enforcement. Even in states with absolute speed limits, enforcement and penalties vary from country to country. For these and other reasons, comparisons between countries are difficult. There are many studies that examine Interstate's speed limit increase from 55 mph to 65, 70 and 75 mph. Some found that mortality rates increased significantly on the Interstate highway where speed limits were raised. One study examining changes from 55 to 65 mph found higher Interstate speed limits increased overall road safety by pulling traffic off a secured secondary highway onto the safer Interstate highway. Since changes to the 80 mph speed limit in some countries (and 85 mph on one part of the highway in Texas) are relatively new, robust analysis is not yet available. Anecdotal evidence shows that the actual vehicle speed does not increase as much as the speed limit. Also, police can enforce stricter new boundaries tighter than they enforce previous limits. In some states, police have allocated resources to focus more on impaired driving and driving disruptions. Higher speed limits, especially in rural countries, tend to be Republicans. For many Republican voters, speed limits (and seat belt laws) are seen as intrusions on personal freedom. According to transport historian Owen Gutfreund, the state government may raise the speed limit because raising the speed limit "sounds like an easy rule win." This is a simple way to "get the government out of your face."
On the other hand, Farmer conducted a new study comparing death rates per billion miles traveled by country and type of road - between 1993 and 2013 - on rural roads (this study does not cover urban roads) concluded that every 5 mph (8 km/h) increase in maximum speed limits associated with a 4 percent increase in mortality in some roads and an increase of 8 percent on roads and highways. Anyway, the securities and safer cars were allaying together.
based on the road user class
The class of road users involved in death accidents varies from state to state. However, by 2016, among many US states, Wyoming has a higher percentage of deaths involving SUV and pickup passengers, Massachusetts has the highest proportion of car passenger deaths, the District of Columbia having the highest percentage of motorist deaths. The districts of Columbia and New York have the highest percentage of pedestrian deaths.
Although the number of motorist deaths is lower than the car, the greater the mileage (miles or kilometers).
Pedestrians and cyclists
As cars become safer for residents (due to airbags, structural void and other increases) the percentage of pedestrian deaths as a percentage of total motor vehicle deaths continues to increase from 11% in 2004 to 15% by 2014 according to NHTSA data. Cyclists accounted for 2 percent of all traffic deaths by 2014.
Rate per driver license
One can also calculate automatic death toll per SIM. From 1990 to 2009, this number has also increased: from 1 death per license of 3,745 drivers in 1990 to 1 per 6,200 driver licenses in 2009. The bustling and congested Northeastern cities, including Washington, DC, Baltimore, Boston, Providence, Philadelphia, Newark, Hartford, New Haven, Springfield and Worcester, Massachusetts, most likely had a car accident. NHTSA through the Fatality Analysis Reporting System states that automatic death continues to be the leading cause of death for young adults.
Risk factors
The rural non-Interstate highway is very risky. Most are two-lane freeway built to lower standards than the Interstate highway. Drivers are more likely to get drunk or do not wear seatbelts. Speeding up is common. Deer, deer and deer crossing the highway increase the risk compared to urban highways. In the event of an accident in a remote area, injured victims may not receive emergency medical care on time to save their lives.
Many accidents while driving a private vehicle are caused by a disrupted rider. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), distractions play a factor in 60% of moderate to serious adult car crashes. In particular, the interaction of passengers and mobile phones accounted for 27% of crashes, the main cause. Drivers who see away from the target (the road) also accounted for 19%.
Not using seat belts is a significant risk factor. According to Colonel Tom Butler, head of the Montana Highway Patrol, data beginning in 2015 showed that 178 of 224 vehicle passenger deaths were people who did not wear seatbelts. The fine in Montana for not wearing a seat belt in 2015 is $ 20. Although the speed limit increased from 75 mph to 80 mph on the rural interstate that year, the largest statewide increase in both accidents and deaths occurred on the secondary road. Forty-three people died in two-lane Montana outside towns that were not US or state highways.
Average travel duration may be greater in rural countries, which may mean driver fatigue is a more prominent risk factor in rural countries than in denser populated countries. Most data about the number of hours driven in one day and the accident rate is for commercial drivers who are required to keep driving logs. (See the next section.)
The human factor is one of the most significant factors in various causes of death.
According to FDOT:
- Ã, Â «When speeding compared to mistakes, drivers traveling at speeds greater than 4 MPH exceed the posted limit are highly represented by errors. As the number of speeding increases, the level of representation increases excessively; However, even at a distance of 5-9 miles over the limit, the driver experienced an excess error due to factors over 2.0.Ã, Â ».
- <<> the drinking driver is between 3.5 and 18 times more likely to error in accidents, depending on the amount of alcohol that is digested. Ã, Â »
Some of the causes involved:
- Distracted driving
- Drunk driver
- Speed ​​up
- Desperate driving
- Showers
- Run a red light (traffic light)
- Night driving
- Design flaw
- Tailgating
- Incorrect driving or incorrect driving directions
- Teen drivers
- Drugs
- Small Hole
- Ban bursts
- Animal crossings (deer-vehicle collision)
- Construction site
It is sometimes understood that death increases with increasing VMT, but this is not systematic because death may remain quite stable while VMT changes.
Capital comparison
Driving versus flying
The number of deaths per passenger-mile on commercial airlines in the United States between 2000 and 2010 is about 0.2 deaths per 10 billion miles of passengers, while for driving, the tariff is 1.5 per 100 million vehicle-miles for the year 2000, ie 150 deaths per 10 billion miles for comparison with air travel rates.
The biggest risk in flying is taking off and landing, which means that longer airplane travel is safer per mile. The commuter aircraft used on shorter flights has a higher risk than larger jet aircraft. Driving on the US Interstate highway, which is almost always a controlled access road, is safer than driving on most roads and other highways.
Unlike US airlines and commuter airlines, which on average have fewer than 20 fatalities annually, every year the number of aviation victims is in the hundreds. Most common aviation accidents involve single-engine, piston-powered aircraft used in recreational aviation.
Flight vs rel
Rail and bus
Train and bus (motorcoach) accidents are also responsible for deaths, although public transport is much less harmful than driving private vehicles.
From 2014 to 2016, fatalities were 227, 234 and 231; with intruders, the death toll is 749 for 2016.
Transportation work: Commercial drivers and air pilots
Driver fatigue is a concern, especially for commercial drivers. The service regulatory hours are issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and regulate the hours of operation of any person operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) in the United States. The relationship between the number of hours driven and the percentage of commercial truck accidents associated with driver fatigue is an exponential relationship. (See graph.)
Despite the rate of accidents per 100 million miles for professional truckers is low, the high number of miles driven by truck drivers makes the truck drive a risky job. Truck transport jobs accounted for a quarter of all work-related deaths by 2015, more than any other US job, according to an annual employment death rate report of the US Labor Bureau, the US Bureau of Labor. The rate of fatal injuries by 2015 is 14.7 per 100,000 full-time workers in transport jobs and mobile materials (which includes truck drivers and air transport workers.) This is a much lower rate than workers in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry work, but high compared to most other job categories. The report does not break the rate of fatal injuries per 100,000 full time workers among aircraft pilots and flight engineers but they note that they have a high fatal injury rate compared to all workers. There are 57 deaths among aircraft pilots and flight engineers by 2015.
Security by country
Between 2006 and 2015, the number of people who died changed from 42642 to 35092 (-17%). During this period, about half of states reduced the number of deaths by more than 20%, for example: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey , New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
At the same time, some countries have killed more people, such as North Dakota and Texas.
Road safety states trends
See also
- Motorcycle death list in the US by year
- Alcohol-related traffic broke down in the United States
- Motor vehicle deaths in the US by year
- Street security
- Air security
- Risk analysis
- The 2008 Railway Improvement Law
- Occupational road safety in the United States
- Badger, Emily; Ingraham, Christopher (October 1, 2015), "The hidden inequality of who died in a car accident", The Washington Post
Source of the article : Wikipedia