Sabtu, 02 Juni 2018

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Cyclists Need to Follow Rules of the Road For the Common Good ...

Bicycle security is the use of road traffic safety practices to reduce the risks associated with cycling. Risk can be defined as the number of incidents that occur for a certain amount of cycling. In many countries, the number of incidents and the number of cycles (expressed in kilometers, hours or trips) is not well known. Non-fatal accidents are often not reported and bicycle use is only occasionally monitored. Some of these key points are heavily debated: for example, a discussion of whether a bicycle helmet or a bicycle path really improves safety. The benefits of obeying road rules including the use of bicycle lights at night are less controversial.

Video Bicycle safety


The overall risk of death from cycling accidents in developed countries has been reduced over the last 25 years according to the OECD 2017 statistical analysis. In the United States, cycling remains a more dangerous mode of transportation when compared to a car (not considering total mileage). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calculates more than 32,000 car-related deaths by 2013. By comparison, WISQUARS's CDC injection statistics site finds more than 1,000 deaths due to cycling by 2015. While relatively safe compared to cars, the number of fatalities and hospitalization from cycling significantly larger in the United States than with other western countries such as Germany, Canada, and the Netherlands. In the 2014 analysis, the incidence of cycling deaths occurred at an average rate of 4.7 deaths per 100 million kilometers of cycling in the US, compared with 1.3 deaths per 100 million kilometers in Germany, 1.0 in the Netherlands, and 1.1 in Denmark.

The first bike accident was recorded in 1842, reported between Kirkpatrick McMillan, an early velocipede rider, and a young girl in Glasgow. However, the report was unclear and the identification was disputed.

The cause of the damage varies according to local conditions. Road conditions, weather, speed, brakes, visibility of motorists, bicycle and car traffic, driving under influence, driving under the influence, and disturbed driving are factors that contribute to accidents. A study conducted in 2000 by the Institute for Road Safety Research in the Netherlands found that single bike accidents accounted for 47% of all bicycle accidents, collision with obstacles and animals accounted for 12%, and collisions with other road users accounted for 40%, with the remaining 1 % has an unknown or unclassified cause. Many bike accidents are not reported and therefore are not included in official statistics. The prospective study estimates that less than 10% of bicycle accidents are officially reported.

In the United Kingdom, cyclists have half the rate (dead and seriously injured per km) of motorcyclists, but eight times the biker's rate.

Even small bike accidents that do not involve hospitalization can incur significant costs for cyclists and others. The Belgian SHAPES project recently estimated the cost of 0.12 euros per kilometer of cycling.

A cyclist hit by a car is more likely to be killed than a fallen person.

Maps Bicycle safety

Traffic engineering


United Kingdom

During the mid-20th century, a traffic engineering solution was sought that facilitated the transfer of traffic through the streets and also protected the vulnerable road users. In the 1940s, an influential advocate of this ideology was Herbert Alker Tripp, assistant commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police. Tripp argues in his book Town Planning and Road Traffic that: "If we can separate pedestrians entirely from wheeled traffic, we can of course eliminate pedestrian victims".

This philosophy was also pursued by Colin Buchanan; his report in 1963 to the British Government of Traffic in the City, sets the policy of the future government to the end of this century. Buchanan knows that separation has not proven successful for cyclists: his 1958 book Mixed Blessing says: "The small effort done to separate cyclists from motor traffic has failed, inadequate tracks, problems treating them at intersections and the intersection is completely unsolved, and the cyclist's own attitude towards these unsatisfactory recognized traces has not been as helpful as they may be. "

Separate spaces designed appropriately for cyclists on arterial or inter-city routes seem to reduce overall risk. In Ireland, the provision of hard shoulders on inter-city routes in the 1970s reportedly resulted in a 50% drop in accidents. It was reported that Denmark also found that separate bike lanes led to a reduction in rural collisions.


Trends away from bicycles and toward new motorized transport began to decline in 1970 when Dutchmen took to the streets to protest the high death rate of children on the streets: in some cases more than 500 children were killed in car accidents on the streets. Dutch in one year. This protest movement is known as the Stop de Kindermoord (literally "Stop Killing of the Child" in Dutch). The success of this movement - along with other factors, such as the 1973-74 oil shortage - changed the policies of the Dutch government around and the country began to restrict motor vehicles in cities and towns and to focus its focus on growth to other forms. transportation, with bicycles considered critical in making the streets of Holland safer and cities and towns more sociable and livable.

Cycling is a public mode of transportation in the Netherlands, with 36% of people registering bikes as the most frequent mode of transportation on a typical day compared to cars by 45% and public transportation by 11%. Cycling has a 27% share of all national (rural and urban) travel.

This high capital sharing for bike trips is powered by amazingly flat topography, excellent biking infrastructure such as bicycle lanes, bike tracks, protected intersections, ample bike parking and by making shorter, faster and more direct cycling routes than route the car.

Road design

United States

Concern over national public health and active transport has inspired states and cities to rethink current traffic engineering. Following the viral popularity of the video created by video game developer Nick Falbo in February 2014, a Dutch-style intersection began to get noticed with metropolitan planning organizations. In 2015, Davis, California, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Austin, Texas became the first three US cities to feature protected intersections. Understanding how to effectively reduce bike accidents and injuries is partially limited by the lack of a comprehensive study of urban infrastructure and control challenges for the various risks involved with cycle travel. Despite these statistical limitations, the risk of cycling accidents is found to be the lowest on disconnected on-road bikes and lanes. Higher risks are associated with cycling in unlabeled multi-purpose facilities with lack of designated cycling infrastructure (ie sidewalks, unmarked roads). Arterial main roads have also proved more dangerous to cyclists than to small streets.


United Kingdom

Following the increasing pressure of Cities Fit For Cycling's "The Cities Fit For Cycling" campaign and from other media in Spring 2012, a warning sign is now displayed on the back of many HGVs. These signs are directed against common types of accidents that occur when large vehicles turn left at the intersection: cyclists who try to pass nearby can be blocked with HGV wheels, especially if the driver can not see the cyclist. Signs, such as the winning design of InTANDEM road safety competition that was launched in March 2012, advocate extra care when passing large vehicles nearby.

United States

The Federal Highway Administration has developed a variety of bicycle signs for motorists, who have evolved over the past few years. Signs and signals specially designed for bicycles are sometimes used to indicate some use lines and bicycle facilities.

Bicycle Safety |

Security tools and strategies


The use of helmets varies from almost nothing in some areas to be mandatory for children to become mandatory for all cyclists. Helmets are required in most races. Helmets can help prevent head injuries, but laws that impose helmet use have also been shown to prevent cycling.


Headlamps and taillights can be mounted on a bicycle or worn by a cyclist. Bicycle lights can be powered by replaceable batteries, by internal rechargeable batteries, or powered by a dynamo hub, bottle or roller that generates electrical energy when driven by wheel rotation.

Cycling lights usually have lower power than motor vehicles, but well-designed lights are adequate for lower bike speeds. The best bike headlamps are block shaped to light the way efficiently. It is also suitable for other road users. In order to be effective, it is best to have the lights securely attached to the bike and directed properly, not mounted on soft bags or loose clothing. In the US, state and local regulations usually require this.

Sound signals

Bells or other audible signaling devices are necessary tools in many jurisdictions.

Cyclist put on safety clothing, bike helmet and reflecting vest ...

Safety education


United Kingdom

Primary safety education has grown significantly through programs such as Effective Cycling and the development of new UK National Standards for cycle training. In addition to technical improvements in brakes, tires and bicycle construction in general (for example, it is now rare for chains to snap and throw riders when accelerating away from stopping) there is a well-understood behavioral model that actively manages risks posed by other road users.

Cycling experts like John Franklin from the UK emphasized the importance of assertive cycling and good road positions. Franklin advocated the use of road positions that would give cyclists a good view of the road, would make cyclists visible to other road users, and would prevent risky behavior by other road users; he often advocates the use of a key rider position in the middle of the road when negotiating hazards.

Driver and Bicycle Education


Driver's education in Canada includes training motorists to reach their entire body when opening the car door to get out. This encourages the rider to turn to get a clear view of the cyclist approaching the vehicle from behind, which risks being exposed to an open door.


As in Canada, motorcyclists in the Netherlands are also trained to open car doors with arms opposite to opened doors, thus encouraging spinning bodies to look back for passing cyclists. This is sometimes called "Dutch Reach".

United States


The Florida Transportation Department (FDOT), known for its "Tiba Alive" campaign for motorists in the 1970s, has since evolved into an active transport program such as the recent "Today Alive Tomorrow" and "Put it Down" campaigns this is for pedestrians and cyclists. In addition, FDOT also supports state-wide education programs that offer educational materials and rodeo bikes, such as the Florida PedBike Resource Center, and the University of Miami BikeSafe Program.


In April 2016, Idaho became the first US state to add questions about the safety of bicycles and pedestrians to the SIM exam and educational material of the country's drivers. The revised exam includes 11 unique question banks, where at least two are automatically generated in each 40-question DMV test.

How to Teach Children Bike Safety | Momentum Mag

Rural security

The direct impact behind the cyclists is a more prominent type of collision in situations of arterial/rural road types. When they occur in such circumstances, they are also associated with a significant increased risk of death. Data collected by the OECD shows that rural locations account for 35% or more of cycling deaths in Denmark, Finland, France, the UK, Japan, the Netherlands and Spain.

109.9793: Bicycle Safety for kids | video game | Educational ...

Overused health issues

In addition to crash and fall injuries, cyclists can also suffer from excessive injuries, such as neck, knee, and back injuries, and damage to nerves, blood vessels and genito-urinary systems in the burden-bearing areas in chairs and hands. Excessive injury among cyclists is often caused or aggravated by poor bicycle fit or adjustment.

The City of Fargo - Bike Safety

See also

  • The hazards of outdoor recreation
  • Outline biking
  • bikeway security
  • Safety in numbers
  • Cycling vehicles
  • Motorcycle security
  • Cycling infrastructure

The Bicycle Safety Check - The 'M' Check -...


Images Bicycle Safety | Best Wallpaper Reference


Bicycle Safety « Borough of Seaside Park, Ocean County, New Jersey

External links

  • Bicycle | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (USA)
  • How to reduce the possibility of collisions with other vehicle operators
  • The Camera Is a Bicycle Rider '' Black Box 'in an Accident July 20, 2012 NYT
  • Bicycle Box at Traffic-Intersections in Portland Oregon, USA
  • Intersections Protected for Bicycle Riders by Nick Falbo
  • Bicycle Safety from Walk Bike to School (US, SRTS)
  • University of Miami BikeSafe Children's Bicycle Safety Program and School Education Curriculum
  • Mission Possible: Bike Safety from Texas Archive of the Moving Image
  • Punishment for Rule Drivers: Remedial Class Actors July 23, 2012 NYT
  • With Horns and Lasers, Struggling to Look For July 24, 2013 NYT

Source of the article : Wikipedia
